Me in Mid-Ulster

Posts Tagged ‘Robbie Williams

I have barely been able to get to my laptop these past few days. My son really loves Robbie Williams and once I showed him Robbie on You Tube, it’s all he’s been asking for. I suppose there’s definitely worse things a girl could be watching than Robbie in his prime, but I’m getting a bit tired of Angels!

In the papers today it says that Robbie is due to marry tomorrow. Isn’t this great news? hopefully he has finally conquered his demons and found some happiness and stability. Speaking of demons and yucky things, I forgot totally how Robbie strips off his skin and muscles and throws them all around him in the Rock DJ video! I had my wee boy watching it as he loves the song (me too!), and the next thing I heard was hysterical laughter coming from him as Robbie peeled off his layers. Talk about unsuitable viewing for a 4 year old! But it hasn’t phased him… in fact he keeps ding-donging on at me to let him watch it again!

My personal favourite Robbie song is ‘Supreme.’ I forgot exactly how good the video is until I watched it with my kid today. Just love the retro style of the video and I’m a complete saddo, when the orchestra comes on I wave my imaginary baton and conduct it! (Usually while driving)